While most people prefer to see Quarry as a historical landmark, cultural movement or practice room for local celebrities My Heads, it is only some of these things, some of the time. Mainly, it is a music venue. As such, much to the dismay of many, gigs and club nights are bound to happen. Listed below are some of the exciting and revolting events happening in March, 2023, England, The World.
8th - Cellar Door 2nd Birthday
Cellar Door’s 2nd Birthday bash promises mind-bending tunes and friendly faces. It features Cersy, Kop-Z and Metrist. Any of you who were there for the first birthday will remember that the event was so popular that the footprints of those that went formed a small crater in the earth that, scientists say, will be there for the next 4 million years. I can’t say, I wasn’t there, but I’m just telling you what I’ve heard.
9th - Moonfrog Presents: Luna Roja, Worm School, Captain Crocodile, Casual Blood Service
People are already telling you this is a gig you shouldn’t have missed, and it hasn’t even happened yet! Strange, I know, but there's shoegaze, dreampop, psychedelia and more at this event. Perhaps these are genre’s that you like? Hell, I’ve been known to like them too sometimes. Nothing to be ashamed of mate, just buy a fucking ticket.
10th - Olvine (In The Round)
Do you enjoy getting in a circle and listening to jazz? Of course you do, if you don’t, you’re fucking stupid. These guys rock. Everytime they get in ‘The Big Circle’ they have to do two shows because everyone enjoys it so much. Would be dumb not to attend really. ‘The Big Circle’ is not, nor will it ever be, demonic. It is a place full of love.
11th - Olvine (In The Round)
Do you enjoy missing an event and not feeling like a piece of shit because you can see it again the next day? Of course you do! This is the second day I mentioned before. This IS the place to be. Not everyone’s free on Sunday. Whether worshipping or relaxing, it’s fine. I get it. That’s what this show is for. It’s Jazz in ‘The Big Circle’!
15th - PC World, Liminal Project, Those Holy, La Palace, GRT
Don’t be a coward. These might be big and scary bands, but they won’t hurt you. They make rock music. They use machines to make music. It is dark and brooding but also I know some of these guys. They’re cheerful. They don’t start fights, they make sad songs. They play their instruments in a spooky way, sure, but that doesn’t mean you should be frightened. Instead you should buy a fucking ticket.
16th - Eugene McQueen & the American Dream, Campfire Social, Dorothy Band
Just read the description for this event. The guy’s from fucking space. Why would you miss that? This is intergalactic pop music. It’s made for aliens. I don’t even know where you start with that. It says ‘liquid pop’. What even would that sound like? I didn’t even know pop could have a state, be it solid, gas or liquid. I bet that sounds amazing. Come and let your ears drown in music. Buy. A. Ticket.
21st - Counterculture Presents: Cruelty, No Relief, Words of Intent, Endure
Another spooky one here folks. Cowards beware! Come and show the world you aren’t a loser by attending this gig! The headliners are called ‘Cruelty’. How fucked up and heavy is that? I’m going to go, it sounds good, to be honest. ‘No Relief’, ‘Endure’? Sounds like I should bring some paracetamol. Only Messing. Reckon they’re fine. Probably just really good bands. Buy a ticket.
22nd - Moonfrog Presents: Baudelaire, Nudist, Dead Animals, Factory Set
Moonfrog presenting another amazing gig here. This is pretty standard for them. Loads of great bands, probably get quite pissed. Sounds wicked. Moonfrog have put on a Lesser Version before, who are really good. And I think they put on The Cure? Will have to check my notes on that one. Nevertheless, these are some of the heaviest gigs in Liverpool. Some of the best around. Buy a fucking ticket.
23rd - Pys Melyn, J. Madden, The Cheerful
Lovely stuff here, really nice chill stuff. My housemate plays Pys Melyn all the time when I'm doing the dishes, I reckon they’d be great live. It makes me want to fall from a great height onto a giant stack of poppadoms followed by a large cushion. Can’t go wrong. Great supports too. And on the 23rd of all dates: the anniversary of when all three of these bands co-headlined Glastonbury in the 90s. Get down.
29th - Strike a Pose
Do you like supporting a good cause, and seeing a great variety show of cool stuff? Well that’s good, but hopefully you like more than just those to things as there’s fucking LOADS going on here. Surely it’ll be one of the greatest nights of the year? Hard to tell until you buy your ticket, but I’ll be there, and I’ll tell you when I’m there just what I think (I think it’s good). BUY A FUCKING TICKET.
31st - Gluey Porch Treatments Presents: Wren, A-Sun Amissa, Warren Schoenbright, Splitney Spears B2B Maiden Mort (Vinyl Set)
Last gig of the month, and what better way to celebrate with something heavy, distasteful, foul and excellent. Everything on the menu this evening is going to be mad. The cowards that don’t come can rejoice in knowing they have disappointed their families. This is one not to miss, my friends. Please buy tickets to this and all other events.
Is there a particular gig you are excited about? Please, tell Aidan Shard on the bar. If you tell him the correct gig, he will disembowel himself and use it as a garnish for your drink.